- 1,vitacreme b12怎么样
- 2,vitacremeb12使用方法
- 3,有没有英语达人帮我翻译一下这个产品说明书: 在线等,谢谢。
- 4,英文好的亲,帮我翻译一下啦,谢谢!
- 5,21岁的女孩用哪款精华好?最好是收缩毛孔的!
- 6,欧蒂玛B12魅力唯她焕肤修护霜怎么样
1,vitacreme b12怎么样
VITACREME-B12 欧蒂玛魅力唯她焕肤修护霜来自瑞士的肌肤拯救大使来自瑞士FCC药厂制造,是连小BABY都可以使用的高品质、安全、安定型极高的护肤用品。包装采用干净卫生的铝管包装,可保持高品质的安全性。
VITACREME-B12欧蒂玛魅力唯她焕肤修护霜是畅销欧美、日本、韩国的超人气商品,30年前面世于瑞士,多年来深受世界各地的消费者欢迎,不但受到日本著名女星藤原纪香大力推荐,2005年于「美容强国」韩国上市时更造成极大的轰动,短短半年就创造出10万支的惊人销售量! 为所有女性解开完美素肌的秘诀: VITACREME-B12欧蒂玛魅力唯她焕肤修护霜的粉红色是维他命-B12原本的颜色,粉红色的维他命B12溶解于水中会变成透明粉红色,只要使用少量即可看见效果。维他命B12被称作是造血维他命,具有肌肤再生的优越效果,是促进人体新陈代谢的必要因子。
3,有没有英语达人帮我翻译一下这个产品说明书: 在线等,谢谢。
This health-care food contains Vitamin C, Erythritol, Maltodextrin, Orange juice powder, Dextrin, Starch, Magnesium Stearate and Trichlorosucrose. It's a healthy food that can supply vitamin C.
[Ingredients] Vitamin C, Erythritol, Maltodextrin, Orange juice powder, Dextrin, Starch, Magnesium Stearate, Trichlorosucrose.
[Function] Supply Vitamin C.
[Active ingredient and content] Vitamin C: 100mg per pill.
[Attensions] This product cannot replace medicines. Please do not take more than recommended amount or with other nutrients supplement of the same type.
手工翻译, 放心用吧
3 results and discussion
As noted in the previous section,first two groups of dual preparations and its characteristic lies in through the X- beam polyblend analysis, in order to clarify BA and SBS which any type nanometer compound materials form separately with the clay mix.
Regarding BA/20A polyblend, four different method preparation fabric, just like Table 1 and is the softening point (after mix conclusion and storing stability test) and the seepage, the clay content to the softening point and the penetration influence linear: The softening point change very small load and the low clay only are B3 and the B4 fabric are important, but seeps in B1 reduces B3 and B4 which approximately a half starting value and the B2 fabric further halves, this is the first sign which has not fallen off occurs, is same because of and the anticipated behavior,
when the traditional filling material is the similar density increase, in low clay load, each pellet maintenance independence; Moreover under the high temperature, the maltha base current also does not have the clay.In the high clay load change situation, completely has not possibly been dispersed in the clay particle in the asphalt, therefore affects mutually, forms the intense influence whole changing character energy.
The storage test confirmation, the asphalt and the clay, somehow or other, do not have separate have the caking, even if two materials have the specific density, different person (1015 and 1770 kilograms/cubic meter asphalt and clay distinction).