西施,本名施夷光,越国美女,一般称其为西施,后人尊称其“西子“。春秋末期出生于越国苎萝村(今浙江省诸暨市苎萝村)[1] ,自幼随母浣纱江边,故又称“浣纱女”。她天生丽质、秀媚出众,是美的化身和代名词。 “闭月羞花之貌,沉鱼落雁之容”中的“沉鱼”,讲的是“西施浣纱”的经典传说。西施与王昭君、貂蝉、杨玉环并称为“中国古代四大美女”,其中西施居首。四大美女享有“闭月羞花之貌,沉鱼落雁之容”之美誉。 西施,春秋末期农历六月廿四日(阳历7月19日)出生于越国诸暨苎萝村,苎萝有东西二村,夷光居西村,故名西施。施姓后裔生活在浣纱溪畔。其父卖柴,母浣纱,西施亦常浣纱于溪,故又称浣纱溪。[2] 在当年西施浣纱之处诸暨,系一大方石,古朴苍褐,上镌“浣纱”二字。为东晋大书法家王羲之手笔。南北朝刘宋孔灵符《会稽记》云:诸暨苎萝山,有西浣纱石。 《舆地志》、《十道志》、《嘉泰会稽志》亦载:“勾践索美女以献吴王,得诸暨苎萝山卖薪女,曰西施。山下有西施浣纱石”。 历代文人学士喜作歌骊之行,唐代诗人李白《送祝八之江东赋得浣纱石》云:“西施越溪女,明艳光云海……未入吴王宫殿时,浣纱古石今犹在。”
2,西施的英文介绍 (不要用翻译网翻译),谢谢
Xi Shi (西施, Pinyin: Xī Shī, c. 506 BC – ?) was one of the renowned Four Beauties of ancient China. She was said to have lived during the end of Spring and Autumn Period in Zhuji, the capital of the ancient State of Yue.
Xi Shi's beauty was said to be so extreme that while leaning over a balcony to look at the fish in the pond, the fish would be so dazzled that they forgot to swim and gradually sunk away from the surface, birds would forget to fly and fall from the sky, the moon would fade, and flowers would close their petals in shame in comparison to her. (Thus the idiom 沉鱼落雁, 闭月羞花 which is used to compliment someone's beauty.)
King Goujian of Yue, king of Yue, was once imprisoned after a defeat in a war by King Fuchai of Wu, king of the State of Wu. The state of Yue later became a tribulatory to Wu. Secretly planning his revenge, Goujian's minister Wen Zhong suggested training beautiful women and offering them to Fuchai as a tribute. His other minister, Fan Li, found Xi Shi and Zheng Dan, and gifted them to Fuchai in 490 BC.
Bewitched by the beauty of Xi Shi and Zheng Dan, Fuchai forgot all about his state affairs and on their instigation, killed his best advisor, the great general Wu Zixu. Fuchai even built Guanwa Palace (Palace of Beautiful Women) in an imperial park on the slope of Lingyan Hill, about 15 kilometers west of Suzhou. The strength of Wu dwindled, and in 473 BC Goujian launched his strike and put the Wu army to full rout. King Fuchai lamented that he should have listened to Wu Zixu, and then committed suicide.
In one disputed account of her fate, it was written that Goujian ordered Xi Shi to be drowned by being thrown into a lake, to avoid being tempted by her as Fuchai was.
In legends, after the fall of Wu, Fan Li retired from his minister post and lived with Xi Shi on a fishing boat, roaming like fairies in the misty wilderness of Tai Ho Lake, and no one has seen them ever since.
She is remembered by the Xi Shi Temple, which lies at the foot of the Zhu Lou Hill in the southern part of the city, on the banks of the Huansha River.
The West Lake in Hangzhou is said to be the incarnation of Xi Shi, hence it is also called Xizi Lake, Xizi being another name for Xi Shi, meaning Lady Xi.
There is another well-known figure of unknown origin, probably fictional and parodical, named Dong Shi (东施). The "Dong" in her name means "east" contrasting to Xi Shi's "Xi", which means "west". Apart from her name, she is said to be the exact opposite of Xi Shi in being extremely ugly and, in modern depictions, fat. This in turn has created the saying "Dong Shi imitates a frown" (Xi Shi, being a sickly girl, often had chest pains; it was said that her beauty was most marvellous when she was wincing from the pain), meaning to attempt imitating another work only to show up one's own weaknesses.
A tongue twister that works best in Mandarin references XiShi: 西施死时四十四,四十四时西施死。(XīShī sǐ shí sì shí sì, sì shí sì shí XīShī sǐ.) It means Xishi dies at (the age of) forty-four, at (age) forty-four Xishi dies.
苏州木渎古镇西施桥浙江苎萝山下有两个村子,分为东西两村。村中的人大多数姓施,施夷光住在西村,所以大家称其西施。 西施经常与夥伴们在江边浣纱。当时的越王勾践为了报复吴王夫差,便想献上美女郑旦等人迷惑夫差,其中就有西施。
越王勾践命乐师教西施歌舞仪态,过了三年,让范蠡带著西施进献给吴王。范大夫见到吴王,跪拜著说:「东海贼臣勾践,感大王之恩德,遍搜境内,得善歌舞者,以供洒扫之役。」 可是伍子胥进言:「臣闻:夏亡以妺喜,殷亡以妲己,周亡以褒姒。夫美女者,亡国之物也,王不可受。」