1,截屏 英文
截图英语说法 screenshot printscreen 截图的相关短语 手机截图 Shootme ; Screener 网页截图 AOSP ; WebPicker ; Webpage Screenshot ; Barry - Webpage screenshot 游戏截图 PHOTOS ; Screenshots ; Print Screen ; Game Screenshot 魔术截图 Magic Screenshot 移动截图 CaptMon 云截图 ScreenCloud 截图快手 Awesome Screenshot 截图制图 ERDS Shot 截图欣赏 Screenshot appreciate 截图的英语例句 1. The float in the screenshot above has a small right margin . 上面浮动的截图有一个小的右边界. 2.So onto the technology interface , here is at screen shot . 下面是外交界面的一张截图. 3. Here is a shot of some shapes to give you an idea . 下面是一个截图例子,可以使你对图 形有个大致的理解. 4. Well - done style is immediately obvious to anyone who sees a screenshot . 而任何人只需要看到游戏的截图就可 以立刻感受到优秀的表现形式. 5. Amor car , i want have one too , thx fore share . 光看截图都觉得很震撼了,一定要下 来看看,谢谢分享! 6.Check scheme is above , it is the keyword inside statistical tiring - room . 上面为截图,是统计后台里面的关键 词. 7.Screenshots and transmitted to the specified server . Including client and server . 截图并传输到指定的服务器,包括客 户端与服务器. 8. Torrents without proper screenshot might be deleted without notice . 没有正确截图的种子会被直接删除. 9. A - up track , and the pressure down the line shots to support it ? 有着前期上行轨道,下行压力和支 撑线的截图吗? 10. Hardware monitor ing module ' s screenshot watermark image is now stored into . 硬件监控模块的截图水印图像是现在 储存. 11. The float in the above has a small right margin . 上面浮动的截图有一个小的右边境. 12. Another quick feature this app comes with is the capturing of screenshots . 本软件自带的另一个快速特性是屏幕 截图功能.
截屏英文如下: screenshot 双语例句: 1 在上面的截屏中,ReSharper智能的建议你添加遗漏的using或在你输入类型名称时导入正确的全名。 In the screenshot above, ReSharper smartly suggests to insert a missing using or Import directive right after you've entered a type name. www.cnblogs.com 2 上面的截屏中显示在XAML资源中的敏捷的代码完成工作。 The screenshot above shows how Smart Code Completion works in XAML resources. www.cnblogs.com 3 一键完成“增加文档、截屏或支撑数据(supporting data)”功能; One click attachments for adding any document, screenshots or supporting data. www.infoq.com 4 考虑以下的Web页面截屏 Consider the following screen capture of a Web page www.ibm.com 5 图二是收盘后的截屏,Max Pain价格已降至335美元。 In the second, taken after the closing bell, Max pain has shifted to$ 335. www.fortunechina.com
screen shots的读音:英 [skri:n ʃɒt];美 [skrin ʃɑt] screen shots的释义:屏幕截图;截图;屏幕快照 扩展:screen的释义:n.屏幕;银幕;屏风;vt.掩藏;庇护;检查;放映 变形:复数:screens过去式:screened过去分词:screened现在分词:screening第三人称单数:screens 短语:screen printing丝网印刷术;touch screen接触式屏幕;触感屏幕 silver screen银幕;电影;computer screen电脑屏幕;on screen在屏幕上 silk screen丝绢网印花法;big screen(电影院的)大银幕 display screen显示屏幕;smoke screen烟幕;障眼法 例句:1.The advertisement is full of the TV screen today. 今天,电视屏幕被广告占据。 2.Buzz suddenly appeared on my computer screen.巴兹突然出现在我的电脑屏幕上。 3.Familiar scenes were imaged on the screen.银幕上映出了熟悉的景象。
截图 英文 应该怎么说呢?其实「截图」的英文很简单啦,就是screenshot,screen是指萤幕的意思,shot则有拍照、快照的意思,合起来就是指萤幕截图罗。 下面整理了「截图」的相关英文说法与英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. screenshot 萤幕截图 「截图」的英文是screenshot,screenshot中文意思是指萤幕截图的意思。 下面列出screenshot相关英文例句: 例: I took a screenshot. 我截图了。 例: I took a screenshot and sent it to Jenny. 我截图并传给珍妮了。 screenshot, screenshot 中文, screenshot 中文意思, screenshot 中文的意思, screenshot 中文解释, screenshot 意思, screenshot 用法, screenshot 翻译, 截图 英文, 截图 英文怎么说, 截图的英文, 英文 screenshot, 英文 截图